2.Fill out your ID, Pasword and letters in the red background, Log in to back office Click "JSS Tripler"
3.Login to JSS Tripler Back office and click "Buy JSS Tripler position"
4.Enter the number of positions you want to buy and click "Proceed with My Order".
Remember, that 1 position cost $10. In the empty box place number of positions, not sum of money
5.Confirm sum and click "Yes, Confirm My Purchase"
6.If is all correct you will become this information
Congradulations, You have bought positions. Close this window.
We remember, that in several minutes you can see your positions when you log in to your JSS-Tripler back office and click to "Positions". About placed your position you will be informed via email.
Click to "Financial" to see your statistic.
You can buy up to 500 positions per hour!
Join Now
.....It is so simply, that everyone can earn......
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